In the anime series, a Baku guards the bridge to an abandoned town, allowing no one to pass.
Season 2[]
One day, the Searchers come across Baku and he allows them to go through the bridge he was blocking because Genki reminds him of his past owner, who looked just like him, causing him to lick him repeatedly.
Quickly taking a liking to Genki, he follows him and his friends. When the gang is attacked, Baku goes into a rampage and rescues them, turning several Shell Saurians into lost discs and even standing up against Chariot.
After winning his battle against the baddie but receiving fatal damage as a consequence, Baku goes back to his old house and turns into a lost disk by his family's photo.
His lost disc is seen again being revived by the Phoenix but it's unknown whether the disc was unlocked afterwards, as Baku never returned in season 3.
Related Data[]
Game | Description | Image |
Video Games | For the monster breed, see Baku. |