The Baddies (known as the Unclean Ones in Japan) are the antagonists of the Monster Rancher anime series. While any humans or monsters who commit crimes and other heinous acts that put innocent lives at stake are considered villains, this term refers specifically to Master Moo's legion of followers.
Moo's Baddies are monsters that are turned evil by his influence, amplifying the hatred in their hearts. Once they become Baddies, they manifest a Baddie Crest, a round, medallion-like clasp on their bodies that serves as an outward sign of their allegiance.
Once a monster becomes a Baddie, they are driven by their inner darkness and reduced to malicious beings inclined to do anything and everything to achieve their common goal of domination (regardless of the repercussions of their actions). While it's possible to help a Baddie to regain their senses and, in some rare cases, restore them to the good side (as seen with Pixie and Big Blue), such an endeavor puts a huge strain on the monster and they retain their Crest until they are fully purified by the power of Suzaku the Phoenix. This, however, allows them to fool other Baddies into thinking they are still on the same side, as seen in Episode 35, where Big Blue flashes his crest so that the guards are not suspicious of him.
Origin of the Crest[]
It is later revealed that this crest bears the symbol of the Pendant civilization, who first created Moo to use as a weapon in the ancient war. Once he turned against them, he took control of their monsters and used their symbol to rally his own troops.
The Dark Ones[]
The Dark Ones were the spiritual predecessors to Moo's Baddie legion. Comprised of evil monsters led by the Dark Lord Xevion, a monster's conversion into a Dark One required a techno-organic link between Xevion and the recipient. This could only be established via cybernetic modification. Xevion set about tricking humans into manually converting the monsters to his cause, but this meant that his ranks grew much slower and were easier to overcome than Moo's spiritually-converted Baddies.
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