Monster Rancher Wiki
Monster Rancher Wiki

Name: Dragon

Main: Dragon

Sub: Dragon

Life: 8

Type: Ground

Technique Cards[]

Name Card Type GUTS Damage Description

Tail Attack

Tail attack
POW 4 4 If this is dodged, it will still give half damage.
POW 4 6
POW 4 8 Must use this with "Tail Attack" and "Bite". The required GUTS, and the damage will be ignored for them. This gives damage to all the opponent's monsters.
Wing Cutter
Wing cutter
POW 5 4 This gives damage to all the opponent's monsters in air.
POW 5 5 The monster will no be able to attack in the nexr turn if it is damaged by this move.
Dragon Punch
Dragon punch
POW 5 8
POW 7 12
Dragon Combo
Dragon combo
POW 8 14 If this is dodged, it will still give half damage.
Fire Breath
Fire breath
INT 4 3 This gives damage to all the opponen's monsters.
Throw Away
Throw away dragon
SPE 0 Make a monster in opponent's team Aerial. After the turn, it returns to original feature. This monster can attack again.
Iron Scales
Iron scales
BLK 0 Takes away 3 damage given by POW.
Fly Away
Fly away
DGE 2 Dodges POW move. Makes this monster's POW and INT moves twice as strong in the next turn. Until the end of next turn, the feature becomes Aerial.