A furry breed of Octopee that has a mop of red hair on its head that covers its tentacles, and slit-like eyes like a Momo. It is often seen carrying a coconut around, and they live in palm trees.
Because of the character limit on names in the Advance games, its name is shortened from Fur Octopee.
Named for its thick tan and red fur.
Its Japanese name is Kegawadako.
Game | Description | Image |
Monster Rancher Advance | ć±ć¬ćÆćć³ć®
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Monster Rancher Advance 2 | ćććććć«ćć
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- To obtain a Fur Octy in Monster Rancher Advance, use the password tripQG.
- To obtain a Fur Octy in Monster Rancher Advance 2, use the password More.