Monster Rancher Wiki
Monster Rancher Wiki

Ghosts, first seen in the original Monster Rancher 1, are playable monsters not available at the start of the game. They assume a humanoid form, but have a tail instead of legs. Ghosts rely on speed and magic to defeat their opponents. They are usually characterized by their magic wands and enormous tops hats, which they can use to perform magic tricks. The species was originally designed to look spooky, but later took on a more comical appearance.


In traditional belief and fiction, a ghost is the soul or spirit of a dead person or animal that can appear, in visible form or other manifestation, to the living.

Its Japanese name is Gōsuto.


Game! Name! Description! Image
Monster Rancher 1 Ghost "He captures the soul of the breeder's last monster." Ghost - MR1
Monster Rancher 2 Ghost "A dead monster, that was loved by its trainer, has turned into this one." Ghost - MR2
Monster Rancher Battle Card 2 Ghost For more info, see Ghost Cards. Ghost
Monster Rancher Explorer Ghost Non-playable Obstacle. Floats up and down and destroys any crate in its path. Can only be killed by shooting it. Ghost MREx
Anime Series Ghost For the characters, see Ghost Troops.


  • To obtain a Ghost in Monster Rancher 1, let any monster die. Holding a funeral or not should not affect the outcome. Obtain a new monster and have it participate in the E rank official tournament. Winning or losing should not alter the outcome. After the tournament, there is an 8% chance the monster will have a Strange Mark and have a massive reduction in life stat and lifespan. You can reload your save if it didn't work and try again if the mark did not appear. Use this monster in combining to obtain a Ghost. All ??? Ghosts will be unlocked and obtainable from CDs.
  • To obtain a Ghost in Monster Rancher 2, let a monster die. Colt will ask if you want to build a memorial shrine for it, so say yes. Every 140 weeks or so you will be asked to clean the shrine, so clean it twice. After that, you will get in trouble for not taking care of it. Colt will clean the shrine and find a Stick. Use this in combining with any two monsters.


See here for a complete list of Ghost Techniques.


For more pictures and screenshots of Ghost, click here.