Monster Rancher Wiki

A brown, long-eared breed of Ape known to be quite a handful. Its name was later changed to sound less generic.


The name George is probably a reference to the children's book series Curious George by Margret Rey & H. A. Rey.

Gibbering means to speak rapidly and unintelligibly, typically through fear or shock. Its Japanese name is an onomatopoeia for the sound made by monkeys.


Game Name Description Image
Monster Rancher 1 George "His mean acts make him less than popular among others." George - MR1
Monster Rancher 2 Gibberer "Female trainers try not to teach it some kind of techniques." Gibberer - MR2


  • To obtain a George in Monster Rancher 1, combine an Ape with a Hare.
  • To obtain a Gibberer in Monster Rancher 2, use the CDs Eric Clapton - The Best of Eric Clapton, Mariah Carey- Butterfly, Green Day - Nimrod, the PS games Legend of Legaia or Final Fantasy: Origins.


For more pictures and screenshots of Gibberer, click here.