Monster Rancher Wiki

Gram is a friend of Phayne's from Elives School who is now a well-known breeder in Ryuwn. He admits he was never very good at school, but now owns a Dodongo who helps him win tournaments. He also has a crush on Philia and wants to impress her, thus seeing Phayne as a rival in tournaments and for Philia's affections. Unfortunately, Gram falls into the trap of doing anything he can to win, including letting someone experiment on and modify his monster with mechanics. After Rio confronts him about what a painful process he's put his monster through, he apologizes for his rash actions and reconciles with Dodongo.

Monsters Owned[]

Debut Name Monster Description
Monster Rancher 4 Dodongo Dodongo Must beat him in the Official C Tourney in Ryuwn to move to B Class.

