Monster Rancher Wiki
Monster Rancher Wiki

A hulking type of Durahan that wears a helmet that has antlers on either side and resembles an elk or a moose (which seems like it should be related to Antero somehow). It wears large fur pelts and carries a massive heat-energy sword that can cut through ice.

Although when it first appeared in Monster Rancher 3, its sub-type was not stated (that game does not allow combining, so monsters are classified according to where they live, designating this monster to the tundra region called Brillia), it was later revealed to be related to Momo.


So-named because it lives in the highlands, or mountainous regions.


Game Name Description Image
Monster Rancher 3 Highlander (Brillia) "An armor monster adapted to the snow. They say it used to be the soul of a warrior who died on a quest for a legendary place." Highlander MR3
Monster Rancher Advance Highlander (Momo) こうげんをはしる





Highlander MRA1


  • To obtain a Highlander in Monster Rancher 3, use
  • To obtain a Highlander in Monster Rancher Advance, use the password Armor.