Known as One Million Person Monster Farm in Japan, this game marks the first time the Monster Rancher series was released to mobile platforms outside of Japan, and borrows heavily from the Monster Farm POP games.
My Monster Rancher differs slightly from the traditional gameplay style of the series. The basic method of training and fighting is still present, but there aren't any animations for either. In addition, many features require the player to pay cash (such as buying some items and resting, though your monster can rest if you wait a couple of minutes while not doing anything).
Acquiring Monsters[]
Monster generation is done via purchasing disk stones from the shop for some breeds.
Adventures return as well, and work in the same basic fashion of the previous games (however your Monster will not tire when on one). There are missions that unlock items, some missions include raising your class and adding Monsters to the in-game wiki.
Monster Battles[]
The battles are now based off of comparing stats instead of the traditional fighting system - both monsters will compare a stat and the higher wins. If the higher stat is more than twice that of the lower, it is a critical hit. A monster needs three wins or two criticals to secure the match. These pit your monster against another in-game monster or another player's monster. Wins are rewarded with Gold Coins or sometimes special items, such as tickets to restricted adventure areas or Mystery Discs.
Many monster species make a return (with a few new additions) for a total of 35 main breeds. Monsters can be combined like previous games. For a full list, see My Monster Rancher Encyclopedia.