Monster Rancher Wiki

A strange breed of Ripper with a glowing blue body and a ghost-like form that allows it to stay nearly invisible. This monster's design is what precipitated the creation of the Modoki Monsters (in the English versions of the games they all end with "-ish", i.e. Pixie-ish). Although Night Sickle does not have the Modoki name, its design is exactly the same.


Named for its dark-blue color, which makes it blend into the night. Also for the sharp sickles on its arms.


Game Description Image
Monster Rancher 4 "A slightly odd monster that likes suspenseful horror movies. Quite intelligent, it sees through the traps laid by its opponents with a cool, clear head." NightSickle MR4
My Monster Rancher "This is a very rare breed of Ripper." Night Sickle MMR


  • To obtain a NightSickle in Monster Rancher 4, use either the PS2 games Monster Rancher 3 or Final Fantasy X.
  • To obtain a Night Sickle in My Monster Rancher, use