A bizarre breed of aquatic doll monster that has a bulbous orange head that looks like an octopus with tentacles hanging down. The rest of its rubber body looks like an orange Mew doll, complete with a pink clam-shell bra and green hula skirt.
Named for its two sub-types, Octopee and Mew.
Its Japanese name is Takōnya.
Game | Description | Image |
Monster Rancher Advance | タコーニャは
いつでも くねくねしてる。 こしをぬかして しまったわけじゃ ないぞ。 |
Monster Rancher Advance 2 | くねくねと
コーモラスに からだをうごかし ているタコーニャ だが、どうやら あのうごきでリズ ムをとっているら しい。 |
- To obtain a Octy Mew in Monster Rancher Advance, use the password zest.
- To obtain a Octy Mew in Monster Rancher Advance 2, use the password Rest.
- For more pictures and screenshots of Octy Mew, click here.