Monster Rancher Wiki

A scaled type of Henger who may have actually been an alien race that lived on Pangaea long ago. Capturing and experimenting on this monster may have been how Pendant scientists figured out how to meld the souls of monsters to Hengerbots. It may also be what drove the Omegas to extinction.

This monster originally has a Dino sub-type but is later seen (with no change in name or appearance) to have a Zuum sub-type.


Omega is the last letter in the Greek alphabet, and used to symbolize that this monster is the last of its kind.

Its Japanese name is Omegarekkusu, or Omega Rex.


Game Name Description Image
Monster Rancher 1 Omega (Dino) "From an ancient race, he can change like a shapeshifter." Omega MR1
Monster Rancher 2 Omega (Zuum) "It is one of the reasons why Zuum and Dino are similar." Omega MR2-0
LINE: Monster Farm Omega (Dino)
LINE: Monster Farm Omega (Dino) For more info, see Omega Cards.


  • To obtain an Omega in Monster Rancher 1, combine a Henger with a Dino. Only ??? Sub-Types of the unlockable monsters can be obtained off Disks.
  • To obtain an Omega in Monster Rancher 2, use


For more pictures and screenshots of Omega, click here.