Monster Rancher Wiki

Pendant is a city that is now in ruins, once the home of a powerful, technologically-enhanced civilization. It is believed that the Pendant people were responsible for many of the Henger designs, not to mention some of the greatest technological feats of the Ancient Wars.

The Pendant scientists were the first ones to replicate the mystery disc, calling their man-made versions "Tablets." They then set about finding ways to unlock and re-seal monsters inside by compressing their genetic information. Despite warnings from the peaceful Tochikan people that monsters were to be respected, the Pendants experimented with monster genetics and combinations and created more and more powerful hybrids. One of these was Moo, whom the Pendants eventually decided to use as their "ultimate weapon" in the Final War. Unfortunately, they underestimated their control over him and he went rogue. When he returned with his own army, he attacked the city and burned most of it to the ground. Only a handful of scientists remained.

These scientists were the ones who made battle modifications to the Phoenix for his battle with Moo, reverse-engineering the technology from their shrine into a weapon they called the Final Gate and using the Phoenix as its target. Using the weapon destroyed what was left of the city, and years later, Holly's Father stumbles upon the remains in the Valley of Darkness. He falls into a cavern where he finds the Dark Mystery Disc containing Moo's soul, and after taking over his body, Moo powers up one of the crashed battle stations and flies it into the sky (which becomes his floating castle). He also takes the symbol of the Pendant people as his crest, not only to flaunt his victory over them but also to remind him of his hatred for humans.

Colt finds the ruins on one of her expeditions to the Trigonon Forest (in Episode 40 of the anime series). The Searchers find her in the middle of an excavation project, and help save her from an attack by the Knight Mocchis. The Mocchis stop their assault when they realize where they are--in the ruins of the very laboratory where monster experimentation began. Sensing the hurt and the hate that has been there for years, the Mocchis retreat and leave Colt to explain what it all means to the Searchers.

Colt also reveals to Holly that the Pendant scientists and the Phoenix created the Magic stone together.

