Selena Marche is quite a bit more laid back than her husband. Lambert leads her to the Orcoro Circus after she hears that there was an incident with them in town. She is hoping to see her daughter again, and when she learns that she was not kidnapped after all, she unexpectedly encourages Marlene to continue to seek out adventure and stay with the circus.
Selena also knows how difficult her husband can be to reason with, and when she hears that Marlene and her friends need to gain access to the castle, she agrees to help sneak them in through a series of tunnels (She also hints that has used the tunnels in the past to come and go as she pleases....and with the way that she is dressed...let's just say it's easy to see how Marlene became an exotic dancer....). All-in-all, the queen seems like a perfect balance to her rigid and stubborn husband.