Monster Rancher Wiki

Monster Regeneration is how a monster is born. Originally, the only ways to receive a new monster were from breeding two monsters, combining two separate types, or by unlocking them from a mystery disc. But in recent times, other regeneration methods have become possible.

The regeneration of monsters is a recent phenomenon, but monsters themselves have existed from long ago. However, nobody knows why they were sealed in Saucer Stones, or when they disappeared.
- "Monster Mysteries" MR4

Disc Regeneration[]

Regeneration from Mystery Discs or Saucer Stones is the most basic way to unlock a monster. Using CDs, DVDs or other types of discs unlocks different genetic information each time. Most games that use this type of regeneration ask you to put the game on pause, enter the new disc so that it can read the information, and then the game resumes.

Tablet/Slate Regeneration[]

This method uses words inscribed on the Monster Tablets to unlock the monster inside. This method involves typing in a password or phrase, sometimes given to you by in-game events.

Book/Wiki Regeneration[]

Book regeneration (or Wiki Regeneration in the case of My Monster Rancher) allows you to record monsters that you have already unlocked by another means (disc, tablet, etc.) in your Encyclopedia for quick lookup and regeneration later. Since you often unlock the same monster type more than once, this method allows you to save the data from whichever one has the stats and traits you deem most valuable.

Incantation Regeneration[]

Incantation is a birthing method only used at BOMBA, which replaces Book Regeneration. A plethora of monsters are sealed away in the Grimoire. By facing the Grimoire and speaking an incantation, a monster will be released from its seal. Any words will do. Do what you can to release a monster from its sound seal. Breeders have to speak in their normal voice from about 8 inches away.

Magic Spell Regeneration[]

Magic Spells are another birthing method only used at BOMBA. You have four boxes in which to draw symbols on the pages of the Encyclopedia, and their pattern unlocks very high-powered monsters.

