Monster Rancher Wiki
Monster Rancher Wiki

A list of all the Suzurin techniques throughout the games.

Name Type Effect/Damage Guts Hit Rate Range Description

Monster Rancher 3[]

Pokorin POW 7 10 50-59% Close Requires Jade Bit
Pokkorin POW 27-34 20 32% Close Requires Aqua Bit
Cover Hit POW Dizzy / 31-36 40 40% Close Requires Jade Stone
Ring-Ring Hat POW 22 24 50-59% Mid Requires Aurora Bit
Do Mi So INT 50-57 38 35% Mid Requires Aurora Orb
Aim Hit INT 11 12 48-57% Mid Requires Flare Bit
Dizzy INT Addled / 10-16 26 45% Mid Requires Aqua Stone
Aim Boom INT 40 32 35-42% Far Requires Flare Stone
Ring x 3 INT 23-27 35 52% Far Requires Aurora Stone
Share Pain INT Suicide / 35-41 40 46% Far Requires Aqua Orb
Bowling INT 40-49 50 55% Far Requires Jade Orb

Monster Rancher 4[]

Pokorin POW D 10 A Close Can be effected by Element
Pokkorin POW A 20 D Close Can be effected by Element
Hat Attack POW Addled / A 40 D Close
Ring-Ring Hat POW B 24 A Close Can be effected by Element
Do Mi So INT Addled / S 38 E Mid
Aim Hit INT E 12 A Mid Can be effected by Element
Dizzy INT Addled / D 26 D Mid
Aim Boom INT A 32 D Far Can be effected by Element
Ring x 3 INT Slow / E 32 C Far
Share Pain INT Suicide / S 58 D Far
Bowling INT B 50 C Far Can be effected by Element
Group Group

Monster Rancher Advance 2[]

Plam Smash B Any Requires a Soulmate bond.
Farewell Any Requires a Soulmate bond.
Pokorin POW E 10 A Close Requires 300 Pow.
Pokkorin POW B 20 E Close Requires 300 Pow. Learned in Power.
Do Mi So INT Addled / A 38 E Mid Requires 500 Int. Learned in Sense.
Aim Hit INT E 12 A Mid Requires 300 Pow.
Dizzy INT Addled / D 26 C Mid Requires 400 Int. Learned in Sense.
Aim Boom INT B 32 D Far Requires 500 Spd. Learned in Speed.
Ring x 3 INT E 32 B Far Requires 400 Def. Learned in Tough.
Share Pain INT Suicide / S 42 C Far Requires 600 Spd. Learned in Speed.
Bowling INT B 50 B Far Requires 600 Acc. Learned in Technic.