Monster Rancher Wiki
Monster Rancher Wiki

The Jolly Roger is Captain Horn's ship. It's first seen in Episode 15 of the anime series, coming to dock in the port of Polo, bringing the captain and his crew to this town with of the promise of lots of treasure.

The ship itself is very large, boasts a number of cannons and a flag with a Suezo skull and crossbones on it. The figurehead is that of a large Hornie.

Season 1

It is instrumental in getting the Searchers from Bubalook Island over the Northern Continent so that they can continue to search for the Phoenix. In exchange for taking them across the sea, Horn proposes a card game, in which the winner would get what they wanted (getting on board, in the Searchers' case, or marrying Holly, in Horn's case). After he gets caught cheating, captain Zuum and his troops interrupt the game and force everyone to flee, being the perfect chance for the Searchers to get on the ship.

While crossing the Torble Sea with the Searchers, the ship is attacked by Zillas and Gooji and almost gets caught in a massive whirlpool.

Season 2

The Jolly Roger is seen again during the Searchers' final fight against Moo in Episode 47. As Pixie tells Genki that the friends he made along the way are battling against the baddies in different locations, Horn, his crew, Allan and his Worm are shown fighting Weeds, Arrow Heads and Jells aboard the ship.

Season 3

The Searchers find out that The Jolly Roger has become haunted by Ghosts, and has sailed off on its own, leaving Horn very upset. They all agree to help him get it back, and together they fight off the Ghosts. In exchange, Horn gives them a ride around the coast of Bubalook to where their next tournament is held.

