Monster Rancher Wiki

The Torles is the only range of mountains on Bubablook, but many believe that at one time it was connected to the Papas Alps on the Northern Continent and the Kawrea Mountains on the island of Kawrea. Its highest peak is Mt. Albista. It is one of the expedition locations in Monster Rancher 2, and as some of the peaks are high enough to retain snow, it is the perfect climate for Bighand. They are named in the anime series as the place where the ruins of the Final Gate is located.

Two other MR2 level bosses include Crescent and Kamui. In My Monster Rancher, it is one of the two starting Adventures that you can take, recommended for monsters Level 12 or higher. The Mountains have 3 parts, each with their own potential treasures and bonuses:

  • Mountain Road (20 min)
  • Hidden Cliff (1 hr)
  • Shrouded Peak (2 hr). Its boss is a Level 9 Geemo named True Colors.

For more details, see HERE-->[1].

