A super fast type of Psiroller that wears red and blue body armor and has hotrod tailpipes and a spoiler on the back that make it look like a super fast car. It rides on a wheel that has flame designs etched into it. Its colors make it seem to be related to Shigue.
Turbo is a word that generally refers to cars and/or racing with a lot of extra power in the engine.
Its Japanese name is Tāborōra.
Game | Description | Image |
Monster Rancher Advance 2 | あかいボディは
はねるたましい。 はしることが じぶんのそんざい をしょうめい できるとしんじ きょうしょコースを ひたはしる! |
- To obtain a Turbroller in Monster Rancher Advance 2, use the password TOXIN.